
How To Keep Insects Away From Rice

So, you need to go rid of rice weevils that are chewing up your dry appurtenances.

In this consummate guide for rice weevil control, yous'll larn:

  • Why you have rice bugs
  • Where they're coming from
  • Naturally ways to get rid of weevils
  • How to remove the rice bugs from your grains, cereal, flour, and rice
  • If information technology'due south okay to eat weevil-infested foods
  • And more

Past the stop of this guide, you'll have everything y'all need to know to control and manage weevils.

You lot should be able to cook rice and swallow information technology without seeing tiny black beetles no longer!

Sound proficient? Let's dive in and get rid of the weevils!

What'due south a rice weevil?

Rice weevil eating.
Rice weevils are plentiful in nature, but y'all'll find them in your rice or cereal also.

A rice weevil is a small, dark, beetle-like pest oft found in dry goods like rice, oats, cereal, flour, and powder.

Their scientific proper name is Sitophilus oryzae and they're office of the Curculionidae family and are considered a protrude. At that place are many weevils out there in nature and not all of them swallow rice.

It's a non-poisonous bug that's harmless and doesn't bite humans.

Just just the fact that you have rice bugs in your food can be enough of a headache to deal with!

These bugs multiply rapidly and are excellent at hiding as they eat up your grains slowly without you knowing.

They take the ability to wing and chew through plastic and paper, which can lead to nutrient spoilage and harm.

Other names

Rice weevils are also chosen:

  • Rice bugs
  • Tiny black rice bugs
  • Rice beetles
  • Rice blackness bugs
  • Maize weevils
  • Corn weevils
  • Wheat weevil
  • Sitophilus

Although at that place are many unlike types of bugs in rice, the rice weevil is one of the most pop rice pests establish in the United States.

They're also one of the most common bugs to get into rice since they hide inside the kernel and are subconscious from view.

Where are rice bugs found?

They're ordinarily found in grain processing or storage facilities and infest a variety of dry appurtenances similar wheat, oats, cereal, flour, barley, rice, corn, buckwheat, pasta, and more.

They can besides be constitute eating bird seeds, basics, sunflower seeds, stale fruits, spaghetti, macaroni, and even dog nutrient.

The about mutual source of rice weevil infestation is directly from the store, as the larvae hide inside kernels which keeps them hidden from the human middle.

What do they look like?

Rice bug macro shot.
Rice bugs have a distinct appearance.

Rice weevils are virtually 2-3 mm in length when full size.

They accept a ho-hum, night advent with a hard outer shell that oft is described as "black bugs" or "rice beetles."

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They accept shaped pits on the thorax and iv lighter yellow spots on the wing covers (elytra). When born as larvae, they take no legs and accept a humpback with a small white head.

After becoming an adult, they can fly and are attracted to dim lights. They have half dozen visible legs and a long "mouthpiece" in the front end. Two large visible segments tin can exist seen from the dorsal and side views.

Rice weevils are quick-moving and will come out during the 24-hour interval. They're agile during both day and night, simply you'll notice them mainly when you're cooking or eating in the kitchen area.

Depending on the species of weevil, the appearance can slightly differ. Rice weevils are smaller than maize (corn) weevil. The coloration can also be different depending on the species.

Can rice weevils fly?

Yes, adult weevils have a developed wingspan and are capable of flight. Larvae and nymphs don't take wings still, so they can't until they reach adulthood.

Rice weevil life bicycle

Rice weevils have a uncomplicated life cycle.

The developed female will lay 4 eggs per twenty-four hour period and produce most 400 eggs during its fertile lifetime.

The eggs hatch in three days and the larvae sally and eat the inside of grain kernels for eighteen days. After that, the pupal lasts about vi days.

Then the new developed will remain inside the grain kernel for 3 days while its cuticle hardens and information technology gets a hard outer crush.

A single generation of rice weevil can be completed in simply under a month, which allows them to multiply rapidly.

Since they're hiding inside grains, this makes them piece of cake to spread and infect new food sources.

Sometimes when y'all bring home grains from the store, they can already be infested with weevil eggs and you don't even know until it hatches from inside the grain!

How long exercise rice weevils live?

Rice weevils consummate their life cycle in nigh viii months to become an adult with wings.

They live about two years depending on the environment conditions. Females will lay upwards to 400 eggs over their lifetime at an boilerplate of 3-6 eggs per day.

Practise weevils bite humans?

Rice bug bite.
Rice bugs don't bite or sting.

No, rice weevils will not bite or sting humans. They're also non dangerous or harmful to humans or pets, nor do they take whatsoever diseases and are non poisonous.

They're also not known to transmit whatsoever diseases to humans or pets, as they're completely harmless and aren't interested in united states of america considering they're not carnivorous.

Rice bugs will only eat rice grains, basics, seeds, and some fruits. Thus, they feed exclusively on plant matter (herbivores) and won't bite you or your pets.

Both rice weevils and granary weevils are harmless pests. Therefore, rice weevils are a mere annoyance as they don't bite, but information technology can nevertheless be hard to exterminate from your food.

How long can weevils survive without food?

Rice weevils tin survive upwardly to a calendar month or longer without any food.

This makes them hard to kill, especially considering they're small-scale and expert at hiding. If you program to starve them, exist sure to await at least a month earlier proceeding.

You should consider using heat or freezing to impale them rather than starving them because the process is delicate and can take a very long time. And they don't need much food to eat either.

So if they come up beyond some dry good scraps, they can refuel and don't demand to eat once more for some other calendar month.

Tin can weevils damage furniture?

Rice weevils won't damage your furniture, curtains, carpeting, clothing, or other household items.

They're not interested in eating your possessions and only swallow grains, nuts, and fruits.

This pest is completely harmless towards humans and pets but can be annoying when discovered in your purse of rice because they can be difficult to become rid of.

Can weevils swallow through plastic?

Yes, rice weevils tin can munch through thin plastic containers and bags.

They can likewise eat through paper packaging hands. This is why dry goods, rice, and grains stored in plastic bags or paper containers aren't safe from weevils and are prone to infestation.

You should always transfer whatsoever flour, rice, or other grains from their original packaging into a new, weevil-proof, airtight container to protect the dry goods from being infested.

Every bit long as the storage container is airtight and made from thick plastic or glass, weevils will have no chance to enter it. You should do this for all foods that are prone to weevils.

Also, be certain to inspect the grains and rice you buy from the store before transferring into an existing container. If you're buying more rice and calculation to a previous container, you'll want to make sure that the new rice you're buying has no rice bugs beginning.

Or else you'll gamble having weevils infest the former rice from the new rice. You lot must echo this process for all the foods yous purchase where you add together to a previous container. This will ensure that you finish and foreclose future rice bugs for good.

How exercise weevils make it pasta?

Weevils tin can get into your pasta just similar how they go into any of your other dry goods.

Poorly sealed or opened packages are all prime targets for weevil bug.

They can chew through thin plastic numberless or containers and also make their way through paper packaging. Since about pasta containers are thin paper and are oftentimes not airtight, rice bugs can find their manner into the dry goods easily.

That's why you lot need to use an airtight solid container made from metallic or thick plastic to stay weevil-proof.

Tin you eat rice with rice weevils?

Rice weevils can be difficult to exterminate after they infest your rice grains as they're small and multiply quickly.

Even if you find rice bugs in a new bag of rice, you can however safely eat the rice after y'all rinse and wash it. When you wash the rice, manually remove all the bugs y'all can see that float to the surface by mitt.

Rinse and cook the rice

Bleed the water and echo the process a few times until you don't see any more than bugs floating.

Then continue prepping and cooking the rice every bit usual. The rinsing process will remove the majority of rice weevils from the grains and the cooking will kill the remaining bugs and their larvae.

If the idea of eating rice grains that have been infested grosses you out, consider returning the purse of rice to the store or exchanging it. If it'southward a new bag that came infested, you should be able to render it without issue.

Check to run across where the bugs are coming from

Still, if you've had the bag for some time and it became infested with rice bugs, so it may be your fault and they may not accept returns.

If this is the case, you'll desire to exercise a thorough inspection effectually your kitchen pantry area to meet where the rice bugs are coming from.

  • Are they eating up your stored appurtenances in a nearby cupboard?
  • Or exercise yous already take some kind of pulverisation, grain, mix, flour, cereal, or fruit stored nearby that already has a weevil problem?

Yous'll desire to tear apart your kitchen or food storage area and see what's going on before you lot buy more than items because they'll be prone to infestation.

The weevils may exist hard to control, but if yous really identify the infested food, you'll be on your way to reducing their numbers and eliminating the population.

What exercise rice weevils eat?

Rice weevil eating dry grain rice.
Rice weevils eat dry goods like rice.

Other than rice grains, these bugs accept been known to eat a variety of foods that are all plant-based.

Some of the most popular pantry foods that accept been attacked by weevils include foods like beans, cereals, corn, seeds, nuts, fruits, flour, oatmeal, mixes, dog food, chili pulverization, whole grain rice (jasmine, chocolate-brown, etc.), roots, quinoa, oats, barley, wheat berries, and pasta.

Although these bugs get their proper noun from "rice" begging that they're called rice weevils, they don't feed exclusively on rice grains.

So don't be surprised if you lot find a rice bug itch effectually on your dried fruits or seeds!

How to get rid of rice weevils naturally

Rice bug natural repellents.
Rice bugs can be controlled using a variety of remedies.

Here are some of the most popular methods for rice weevil control that you can do at dwelling. Attempt a few and see which works for you lot.

Utilize bay leaves in food containers

You can use bay leaves as a natural repellent to go rid of rice bugs.

These leaves are cheap and bachelor in majority packages at many specialty supermarkets. They're oftentimes establish as a cooking ingredient available at international markets.

Buy a few bay leaves and identify them straight into your pantry or kitchen cabinets and drawers as a powerful repellent.

The olfactory property released past the bay leaves deed equally a natural style to become rid of rice weevils and many other kitchen bugs.

Place bay leaves into the rice or grain containers

You can even identify the leaves into small socks (such equally vegetables or thistle socks) and so direct into the containers with your grains, oats, cereals, and rice.

The smell will spread throughout the container, especially if it's an closed container, and this will continue the rice weevils away. Apply bay leaves both inside your flour, rice, grain, and cereal containers.

And use them effectually kitchen cabinets and pantry

And use them around your pantry, drawers, and cabinets. You want to distribute the scent as far and broad throughout your entire kitchen and food storage areas as possible.

Use potent herbs

There are a few other powerful and effluvious herbs you lot can use to help repel rice weevils. Use cloves, rosemary, onion, and peppercorn around your kitchen or food storage areas.

Y'all can apply a thistle sock and fill up information technology upward with a combination of any of these herbs to brand a powerful and natural weevil repellent.

Make a few socks and place them around your kitchen grains, oats, and cereals to keep the rice bugs out.

Note that bay leaves and herbs may cease up adding flavour to your grains, flour, and rice. If you want to avoid this, don't use the leaves or herbs directly in the same container with the dry appurtenances.

Tin vinegar kill weevils?

Vinegar is effective against rice weevils. You can spray pure vinegar onto weevils to kill them, then wipe them down to remove them.

Be careful spraying almost food items because the taste of vinegar volition exist added to foods you spray. Vinegar is all-time used for cleaning purposes, such as sanitizing kitchen cabinets from weevils.

Lather water

Soap water is a spray that kills weevils. You can brand it at home by mixing 1 cup of tap water with a viii-12 drops of dish lather. Swirl together and then identify it into a spray bottle.

Spray the solution directly onto whatever rice bugs you come up beyond or use it to clean your kitchen pantry. The mixture will kill weevils, larvae, and their eggs.

Garlic cloves

The pungent scent of garlic is a powerful and natural mode to go along rice bugs out. You can buy a few cloves of garlic.

You can cut them upwards fresh or dice and mince them into a sock. Identify the garlic around the kitchen in your pantry and the weevils will tend to stay abroad from it.

The smell of garlic eventually takes over your unabridged kitchen and will drive the majority of pests out. Weevils are merely one issues that hates garlic, some others include spiders, thrips, and fifty-fifty centipedes.

The best part about this method is that you can hands bandy out the garlic when it loses the scent and becomes ineffective. Then supervene upon information technology once again with fresh garlic to ability upwardly again.

Repeat until the weevils are driven out of your cabinets. Note that this doesn't work for rice bugs that are already in your food containers every bit the garlic scent will have a hard time getting into the container.

Neem leaves

But like bay leaves, neem leaves tin besides be a very effective natural repellent for rice bugs.

Y'all tin can buy neem leaves from specialty stores and place them around your kitchen pantry. The aroma from the leaves helps keep weevils out.

Yous can also place the laces inside the nutrient containers so the scent spreads and is trapped inside.

This tin deter and keep new bugs from infesting your foods. Neem leaves are an constructive DIY remedy to go along rice weevils out of your rice.


You tin can use a fresh piece of ginger in your pantry to act as a natural repellent.

You can too cut a few slices and identify them into the dry goods container to continue the rice bugs abroad.

The scent of ginger is powerful and acts as a natural way to get rid of rice weevils due to the aroma. Ginger has little odour towards humans, which makes it an easy style to drive the bugs out without agonizing you.

Use matchboxes

You can use old matchboxes or matches to help repel rice bugs.

The sulfur constitute in the matches is a natural deterrent and yous tin can place it near your rice grains, cereals, flour, or oats to keep the weevils out.

A box of matches seems to piece of work better than single matches, as the scent is multiplied when many matches are in a small area.

Smoothen sunlight

Rice weevils don't like any bright lite and tend to hide in nighttime areas. If you're able to open your kitchen blinds and let natural sunlight shine into your pantry, this tin can aid end them from establishing a nest in your dry out goods.

You can also consider moving infested goods outdoors in a sheltered area to let the sunlight polish on them. This may help drive the weevils out.

Be careful if they decide to take shelter and hibernate under the grains of rice. You lot'll want to bank check before you move the nutrient back into your kitchen for bugs.

Sunlight is a natural and safe way to keep rice weevils away- just make sure your food isn't perishable in sunlight.

Clean upwards your kitchen

Keeping your entire kitchen clean and well-maintained is the one of the best and nigh constructive things you lot can do to control rice bugs and many other kitchen pests.

These bugs often find their way to your kitchen from infested foods but will keep their extended stay by infesting other foods that are poorly sealed.

This is why yous should accept measures to dispose of all infested foods and seal upwards make clean foods. This is actually the only fashion to truly pause the cycle.

Equally long as you accept some dry appurtenances that have weevils, you lot'll never exist able to completely become rid of them. Y'all demand to eliminate and throw out all foods that have possibly been infested.

Dispose all infested foods

So showtime past disposing of all dry goods that y'all suspect weevils to exist present in. if yous're unsure, throw it out.

Even just a few rice weevils can multiply and reproduce, which will cause you headache down the line. You desire to accept no chances are throw out annihilation that has weevils.

Transfer to weevil-proof food containers

Next, divide the dry out appurtenances that yous know for sure are Non infested.

Transfer them to 100% airtight containers with thick plastic walls. This will prevent and protect your dry appurtenances from future weevil bug.

Cleanse the entire kitchen

Lastly, clean upward your kitchen in general.

This means doing bones practices like:

  • Wipe down your pantry
  • Add together shelving liner or replacing damaged ones
  • Dispose of old kitchen tools or gadgets
  • Throw out quondam food, spices, herbs, or other dry out goods
  • Replace damaged containers for food storage or prep
  • Throw out foods that take poor packaging or sealing
  • Throw out foods that haven't been sealed properly, take holes in the packaging, or don't accept airtight seals
  • Dispose of unknown foods or goods that have unmarked expiration dates

This will help finally control and manage your weevil problem. Once you clean up your kitchen and do a thorough cleanse, keep information technology maintained to end weevils forever.

Vacuum cabinets and under appliances

This deserves its own section because weevils will travel for food prices to find new things to swallow.

You'll want to vacuum all your kitchen drawers, cabinets, and pantry to suck up any weevils and their eggs. They'll likewise feed on nutrient scraps, waste, and other products.

Clean upwards under your appliances like your fridge, toaster, microwave, toaster oven, blender, and other surfaces where food exists.

Make clean contaminated food storage containers

If you lot program to reuse food storage containers that once had weevils, make certain you rinse them under hot h2o with soap a few times.

If the container is condom for the dishwasher, run it through the cycle to remove any larvae or weevil eggs.

Discard all infested foods

Non all foods can exist apple-pie and cleaned from weevils. They're a persistent pest that tin can be hard to become rid of.

Some dry out goods like cereal, flour, and powders tin't be broiled and can't exist rinsed under clean water. You have no selection but to throw these foods out.

Make sure that the bugs don't have a gamble to transfer to other nearby foods. Use a tightly-sealed bag and toss it outdoors so they don't accept a chance to come back.

Weevils tin can swallow their way out of sparse plastic bags, so you lot need to make sure you lot deed quickly.

Stop pests from entering your kitchen

Lastly, you'll want to perform some basic kitchen repairs to stop weevils and other bugs from coming into your kitchen.

Check around the kitchen and home for damaged weatherstripping around your window seals or patio doors. Repair any damaged vents. Fix any caulk that'due south missing. Supersede damaged screens in your windows and doors. Caulk up cracks and crevices in your kitchen cabinets, drawers, and pantry.

All of these basic practices tin assistance keep weevils out of your kitchen permanently.

How to get rid of bugs in rice

Rice bugs in rice.
Yous can go rid of weevils in your rice by sifting and cleaning.

If yous accept weevils in your rice, you can safely kill them by doing the post-obit steps. These are some constructive ways to go on weevils out of your rice.

Rinse the rice

Accept the rice you wish to cook and identify information technology into a large container and run information technology under hot water. Let the pot fill up up with hot h2o and yous stir the rice.

You lot should offset to meet some rice bugs floating to the top of the water surface. Remove them by scooping them out with a strainer or past paw. Be careful of the hot water.

Echo the process 2-3 times. Each time you'll see fewer and fewer rice bugs. When you lot see no more, the rice is good to go.

Rinsing works best for whole rice, buckwheat, and barely. You can also use a comb to comb through eh grains to catch any loose bugs.

Cook the rice

After you've cleansed and rinsed the rice, you lot can cook it every bit normal. This will impale any rice bugs remaining in the rice that yous missed earlier.

Y'all should expect to encounter a few cooked weevils in the finished production, which you can remove by paw before servicing.

Until you can fully secure your rice storage, you'll continue to have rice bugs appear.

This is why information technology's of import to transfer uninfested rice to an airtight storage container and ever inspect new rice before adding to any existing rice containers.

How to go rid of bugs in grains, cereal, powder, or flour

Rice bugs in grains.
Rice weevils will also eat grains and cereal.

If you have rice weevils in your rice, powder, or grains, the safest method is to broil the dry out goods to kill and become rid of all the pests.

Yous tin can either rut or freeze the grains- both methods piece of work well to purify infested grains or to kill any larvae or bugs in newly purchased grains.

If you lot merely bought some rice or other grains and you lot want to make sure it has no bugs, you tin can bake or freeze it.


Whether you're killing weevils in infested dry appurtenances, or you're trying to kill weevils in a new purse of rice or flour, you can bake it to achieve a 100% kill rate.

Blistering should only be used for whole grains, but not for footing grains, flours, or powders. This is i way to become rid of weevils that works well.

  • Lay the grains on a baking canvass in a large baking pan.
  • Distribute the rice or grains evenly
  • Place the entire pan into the oven at 140F for 20 minutes.
  • Permit information technology cool.
  • Transfer the entire pan to an airtight container.

This will kill whatever pests that are currently living in your rice or whole grains.


You can freeze both ground and whole grains, flour, powder, rice, cereal, seeds, nuts, or most whatever other dry goods that you lot want to become rid of weevils from.

Have your bag of new dry out goods that you but bought and place it in the freezer for 72 hours. Accept it out after and check for whatsoever pest activity. Remove whatever dead bugs by paw. Transfer to a new airtight container.

If yous're using the freezing method to cleanse already infested products, follow the same process.

Is it OK to eat rice with bugs?

Yes, yous can eat rice with rice bugs as long as you rinse information technology a few times and remove them past paw.

After that, be sure to cook the rice at the advisable temperature to kill off any remaining bugs, larvae, and eggs.

This will ensure that all the rice weevils are expressionless. You lot may want to do a once over one last time and remove any rice bugs you can notice past paw.

Although they aren't dangerous to humans and have no positions, finding a bug in your rice isn't a pleasurable experience.

Is it OK to use flour with weevils?

Yeah, as long as you bake the flour to the appropriate temperature.

Y'all tin also endeavour removing them by hand before you showtime baking if yous encounter whatsoever. And and then remove them once again after baking.

Use a fine comb to sift through the flour and catch whatever loose rice weevils. These bugs don't behave any diseases, but you should even so attempt to remove them.

How to get rid of insects in a rice purse

Rice bugs in rice bag.
Rice weevils tin can be difficult to split from rice bags and packaging.

If you take rice bugs in your rice bag, you'll want to heat the rice to get rid of them.

Since the weevils are tumbling around in the handbag of rice, information technology'due south hard to remove them by hand. The safest and nearly effective fashion is to accept all of the remaining rice and place information technology onto a baking pan with a baking canvas.

This works best for smaller batches of infested rice. Bake the rice at 140F for twenty minutes, and then remove it and permit information technology cool. Check for expressionless weevils and remove them by hand.

Identify the baked and purified rice into a new airtight container. Practise Non identify it back into the previous rice bag, equally there may be weevil larvae or adults withal in the bag. Dispose of the bag. Always assume the bag is infested.

If you have a large pocketbook of rice, you may have to break information technology into smaller batches to bake information technology.

How to get rid of rice weevils in the house

Rice weevil in house.
These bugs can besides travel through your home.

If you have rice weevils in your dwelling, chances are that they escaped the kitchen and have wandered off into you firm.

Naturally, these pests aren't suited for bedroom or living room environments because in that location's no food.

However, if you happen to shop dry appurtenances (flour, powder, cereal, oats, etc.) in other rooms throughout your dwelling house, that could explain why. Wherever yous have grains for them to eat, rice weevils tin constitute a abode there.

This is why information technology'due south important to treat weevil problems ASAP considering one time they mate and lay eggs, they can be difficult to get rid of unless you remove all traces of infested nutrient.

You should also brand sure that yous're dealing with a rice weevil- equally it'due south possible it could actually be a carpet protrude, cigarette beetle, or another pest.

The first pace would exist to dispose of all the possible nutrient sources they could be eating nearby.

Weevils in the chamber

Bank check your bedroom, living room, bathroom, and other rooms for food. These could be tabular array scraps, pet food, or food storage containers. Check for weevils eating up those foods and dispose of them.

Side by side, y'all'll want to purify any other food storage that you lot're unsure about.

When in doubt, throw it out. Otherwise, bake or freeze the food using the methods outlined above to kill off any rice bugs hiding in it. Transfer any goods that aren't infested to airtight metal or thick plastic containers.

Lastly, you'll desire to clean upward the other areas of your dwelling house. This means your bedchamber, living room, and other areas of your home that you discover weevils. Remember that weevils don't but migrate to other areas randomly.

They stay where the food is. If you notice weevils throughout your home that has no food nearby, it would take hitchhiked on y'all, your dog, laundry, or something else and concluded up there.

They practise tend to search for food, merely they don't leave the master food source that often.

What repels weevils?

There are many natural remedies you can utilize to repel weevils. Some of the most popular solutions are matchboxes, sunlight, onion, garlic cloves, bay leaves, neem leaves, and ginger.

Yous tin use a combination of them for a powerful and organic weevil repellent to go along rice bugs out of your kitchen pantry.

How to foreclose weevil bugs

How to stop rice bugs.
You tin end rice bugs from eating your dry goods.

After y'all've ridden your kitchen from rice bugs, you'll want to brand sure that you never introduce these bugs into your nutrient storage once again.

It'southward very difficult to inspect and verify that grains and cereals are 100% free from weevils before ownership, as most rice, flours, and cereals comprise some degree of pests- information technology's merely that almost of the time, you don't see it or they haven't hatched still.

Nonetheless, here are some boosted tips to preclude future weevil problems:

Inspect the packaging

Never buy any damaged or opened food packaging. Some retailers will mark down food items that are deemed rubber to resell at a marginal discount.

The problem with this is that the original container is damaged, dented, or ripped. This means pests can hands enter the original packaging, breed, and feed off the food product.

Weevils and other pests in the retail store tin discover their way into your side by side repast if the nutrient packaging has been compromised, and then you lot should e'er avert ownership products that accept damaged labeling or packaging- whether discounted or non. Is your health worth the few dollars you save?

Check for holes, torn corners, punctures, some other sign of impairment on the packet.

Check the product when possible

Buy packages that accept transparent or see-through plastic containers that permit you see the actual contents. This ways you tin can run into the flour, cereal, rice, grains, or other contents.

Bank check for any moving or dead pests and look for weevils. Shake up the containers to shuffle the contents effectually and check for whatever visible bugs before buying.

Buy in majority

Not only does buying in bulk save you money, but y'all tin also package the nutrient yourself.

Some retailers have a "self-service" surface area where you can fill up a bag full of dry out goods yourself and you'll pay based on how many pounds or kilograms yous scooped. This lets you check the grains and rice yourself for bugs.

Use weevil-proof food containers

Afterward you bring habitation some dry goods from the store, transfer it to a weevil-proof container.

This means using big, airtight storage bins. You can find these containers that are made from thick plastic and take an airtight seal around the hat to continue your grains and cereals fresh.

Yous'll desire to use a thick container to protect your nutrient from weevils as plastic bags and thin containers tin can be damaged.

Weevils can also chew through thin plastic containers, paper, and numberless. Store all of your weevil-prone foods in thick containers to safeguard them from time to come weevil problems.

You'll want to do this for all foods that are known to exist eaten by rice bugs. Weevils will swallow grains, cereal, flour, mixes, quinoa, rice, seeds, nuts, and other dry goods.

Further reading

Hither are some additional resources you may find handy:

  • Rice Weevil and Granary Weevil – IAState
  • ENY261/IG120: Rice Weevil, Sitophilus oryzae – UFL
  • Rice Weevil Identification And Control – Rottler

Did yous get rid of the rice weevils?

Rice weevils in flour.
With patience and persistence, y'all should exist able to control the weevils.

By now, you should accept everything y'all need to know to control, manage, and get rid of rice bugs permanently.

If you have any questions, leave a comment beneath or send me a message and I'll effort to assistance yous out!

Or if y'all found this guide to be helpful, let me know. Consider telling a friend!

Thanks for reading.


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